Reflecting on the year just ended, and despite uncertainty as the world emerged from the “covid years” and war in Ukraine started, overall, 2022 wasn’t a bad year for the construction industry. Certainly, from Etive’s perspective, we had a productive year - moving to larger premises and adding both new projects and new members to our existing team.
Regardless of the economic background, the year seemed to get progressively busier; no doubt in part due to pent up demand following the covid-related restrictions of the preceding two years. Etive benefited from committed spending in public sector projects already “over the line” and, in our traditional markets such as PBSA, where demand remained robust with undersupply continuing to help asset values for investors. Etive stayed strong and took the opportunity to build upon our well-established team, continuing to recruit throughout the year, adding further strength in depth in all areas of the business. The projects we are engaged in grow ever-larger and more complex in their nature but the team we have assembled is a fitting match for that, and more so.
We did have some large BTR projects halted in 2022, temporarily, we expect. The fundamentals of these schemes remain sound – excellent locations, well designed buildings, strong demand and overall, positive additions to their respective cities. These are projects we are certain will come back in due course, as and when economically practicable.
Even with one or two projects stuttering, we ended 2022 as we mean to go on in 2023; busy, optimistic, cheerful and seeking new opportunities, and there are many out there.